Monday, May 23, 2016


Loads of kids? Crazy family vacations? Sports? Music? Art? Friends? Family? Holidays? Do they make a sandwich roll big enough for all of that?

I like to bite off more than I can chew. A lot. It might be my naivety or maybe my gluttony but I really want to do ALL THE THINGS. There's just so much good stuff to do! Which adds up to me not really doing much of anything very well. And baring a close resemblance to Jabba the Hut. Or every Pinterest fail ever. Loads of good intentions and poor execution.

I often find myself in those in over-my-head situations where I need some kind stranger to hold the door open so I can push a double stroller through it. I am a person, often, in way over her head. Which is a good place to be if you think about it. It's good for my humility and my awareness that I can't really do anything on my own anyway.

I have to work hard to keep myself organized, prioritized, and on task or I will spend everyday starting a new unattainable project and never finish a single thing. Like rearranging my gallery of pictures in the great room. For the third time.
It's a work and progress. Hopefully third times a charm. Hopefully I can show you the end result if it ever happens, if I put it on this new to do list when it gets here. And this last paragraph is so full of hope; I am hoping my to do list will act like an efficiency personal trainer and bully motivate me to behave myself and pay the bills and fold the laundry already instead of doing something more fun.