Thursday, June 2, 2016

Girlfriend, You Are Not Gross

You know what's funny and the same about absolutely everybody; we all keep getting older and changing and sometimes having babies and eventually dying and our bodies are buried underground and practically nobody cares what size dress we wore or how toned our abs were. Dust returns to dust. Strange coincidence: same thing is happening here, me getting older and giving birth to five kids and not returning to the size and shape I was when I was in high school. So weird. 

So I'm at a cross roads where one sign says, "Eat Pizza" and the other says, "Look Attractive," and I totally can't pick one because pizza is so good but I know I'm supposed to care about the second thing, right?

Cultural standards of beauty are always changing and different wherever you are. Remember when this look was in? I should have lived then because that's pretty much what I look like right now. Soft and squishy and junky in the trunky.

I know exercising and eating well can make me feel better. It can improve my performance and help me attain my goals and give me more energy. These are things I care about. I want to be strong enough to heave my 2 year old into a car seat. Kid is a tough opponent, seriously. I don't want to let things get so bad that I can't hang in a game of soccer when my kids are in their teenage years or get myself up on a wakeboard when my kids are old enough to safely spot me if and when we go boating. 

It's just hard to care enough to give up Pizza Friday. I'm sure eventually I'll get to a place where I choose the middle road and keep Friday to "a slice of pizza Friday" not, "an entire pizza Friday." Whoops, is that not a thing? I have some bad pregnancy eating habits to break. 

A lot of women are rocking it because they sincerely love to exercise and eat well for reasons that are not image related like health and endorphins and energy; stress versus zen what have you something, something, something, blah blah blah good for you.

But I wish we could stop being so body-conscious just for appearances sake. I'm sincerely looking forward to that last part when my friends and I are just old farts not caring about our appearances. One less silly cultural fight to fight and more time for just being silly.