Thursday, May 26, 2016

Subscribe & Save

The baby has started eating solids and I could really use some baby food in the house. I’ve been crushing up strawberries and smooshing up scrambled eggs and none of this is working because he just screams and stares at our turkey sandwiches instead so I think the only thing to do is fill him to brim on baby food so we can eat in peace. Except I don’t have any. And in this one moment of time I’ve been so busy for 5 days that I cannot get to the store at all. Soooo Amazon.
Does Amazon have good prices on those ridiculously expensive organic baby food pouches? I really have no idea. But I ordered some. Because of prime two day shipping. By this afternoon he will be a filled to the baby brim on organic peaches and pears.
I’ve been really been trying to save money on our staple everyday items that I used to not mind spending a little more time driving all over town for when I had three babies at home and needed an excuse to get out of the house. My weekly shopping routine included a visit to four to five different stores and now I can usually manage a visit to one or two. And Amazon picks up the slack.

I read something on how bad conventional disposable diapers are for babies. So I tried cloth diapers for a day and a half before I gave up because you have to change those things like every time they pee which is something like hourly, right. If you cloth diaper, I am sincerely impressed. So I came up with using Seventh Generation Diapers. Just as bad for the environment but none of the chlorine bleach and maybe no plastic but probably plastic because I seriously can’t remember and I researched it two years ago. And the only way I can justify the price is by using Amazon Subscribe & Save so I save 15% on them. Which means sometimes I have an abundance of diapers and sometimes I have none because the next month’s shipment hasn’t arrived yet and I have to use my back up pack of cheap ones and I have no idea if any of this is worth it because I have yet to put together an excel spread sheet.

If you think I’ve completely lost it just know that I am THIIIS close to throwing in the towel and buying the cheapest diapers money can buy. Because one kid in diapers is expensive. And two kids in diapers is expensive. And two kids in diapers and one is preschool is expensive. And two kids in diapers, one kid in preschool, and tuition and uniforms for one kid in Catholic school is expensive. And two kids in diapers, one kid in preschool, and tuition and uniforms for two kids in Catholic school is expensive too. My tolerance for spending 25 cents each for paper and plastic my babies poop in and I throw into a landfill five to ten times a day is WANING.

I am trying and TRYING to save money of stuff that doesn’t last very long. I think I can. This is all how I met Amazon Subscribe & Save where I am trying to maintain a minimum of 5 items to save 15% on also Seventh Generation dish soap, Seventh Generation laundry detergent (which I love), Amazon Elements Baby Wipes (also love), the ever necessary prenatal vitamins, the epic fail Annie’s Homegrown Organic Fruit Snacks, and Plum Organic Baby Food. And paper towels. And chocolate. The essentials.

I have to say that Amazon has a pretty brilliant sales platform. Because I just keep on coming back; Amazoning everything from the mundane to the rare and hard to find. The only thing more efficient would be sending an Amazon Prime Air drone directly to my house to take money out of my wallet and throw it directly into the garbage. That’s not a very fair metaphor. Amazon is more efficient the way it is not having to fly drones anywhere and still getting my money. I need all this stuff mostly.
But I’m keeping the metaphor. Because Amazon Prime Air.