As a pregnant mom of 4 last summer I could not be bothered with arbitrary regulations at the local public library like "due dates" and "returning library books to the library."
I feel like this may reveal me as the scatter brain I am but I do actually have at this moment at least a $100 library fine. I've been on the run from the librarians for over 9 months. And this isn't the first time this has happened. I have paid hundreds of dollars in library fines in the past. So now my current long-term plan is to never go back to the library again. It seems like I can't really handle the responsibility. Here is why.
Things in my home can be separated into two categories:
A. Important things that matter that I keep from the kids that they are not allowed to play with or use for any reason.
B. Things that are unimportant that will be eventually lost or broken and I allow the kids to use or play with.
But then there are things like library books which demand a new category:
C. Things that are important and matter but are designed for children so it's impossible and insane to keep children from using or playing with them and therefore they eventually lose or break them.
Library books belong in category C and I was wrong to ever think I could monitor and maintain three whole categories of things in my home. We need to be a category C free home.
It would help if each child only brought home one book each and zero of the DVD's that cost $1.25 a day for a late fee and $20 to replace when lost but there are people with self-control and then there is me.
I often found myself checking out several dozen library books and the maximum allowable 4 DVD's per visit. This may
have been in part shameless bribery to please just let us leave the
Bermuda Triangle that is the children's library, and another part reckless attempt to keep up with the reading time requirements of a
budding reader in the house. I finally just bought a Kindle eReader.
So I was disappointed when I learned that I may have to swallow my pride and my budget and pay off the librarian to let me take home a book about kangaroos for my son's first research project ever. But later, upon further review, I learned he can just go online. So you get a sketchy drawing about unwarranted library fine anxiety and I get to live another day as an irresponsible child-adult. Everybody wins. Until we meet again, library fine.
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